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mardi 28 février 2012
jeudi 23 février 2012
mercredi 22 février 2012
vendredi 17 février 2012
Bilan antiage
Trois étapes pour un programme sur-mesure
- Les examens médicaux
- Le bilan nutritionnel
- Les bilans biologiques
- Les bilans hormonaux
- Le bilan du stress oxydant
Les programmes longévité Régime méditerranéen, diète anti-âge, fruits et légumes en quantité… Les bénéfices d’une alimentation saine sur la longévité sont aujourd’hui reconnus. A la diététique préventive, s’ajoutent parfois des compléments nutritionnels et une correction hormonale. Avec Christophe de Jaeger, gériatre L'art de la médecine anti-âge est de savoir doser subtilement tous ces éléments afin d’améliorer notre qualité de vie. L’alimentation anti-âge Une complémentation nutritionnelle bien dosée La correction hormonale, sous avis médical
- Les examens médicaux
- Le bilan nutritionnel
- Les bilans biologiques
- Les bilans hormonaux
- Le bilan du stress oxydant
Les programmes longévité Régime méditerranéen, diète anti-âge, fruits et légumes en quantité… Les bénéfices d’une alimentation saine sur la longévité sont aujourd’hui reconnus. A la diététique préventive, s’ajoutent parfois des compléments nutritionnels et une correction hormonale. Avec Christophe de Jaeger, gériatre L'art de la médecine anti-âge est de savoir doser subtilement tous ces éléments afin d’améliorer notre qualité de vie. L’alimentation anti-âge Une complémentation nutritionnelle bien dosée La correction hormonale, sous avis médical
Faire un bilan de santé
Un bilan de sante comprend
- dosage en vitamines
- dosage en sels minéraux
- bilan acide gras
- bilan glucidique
- bilan antioxydants
- bilan hormonal
hormones sexuelles
hormones hypophysaires
hormones thyroidiennes
- bilan critères d'inflammation
- bilan métabolisme du sucre
- acide urique
- dosage DHEA
- dosage PSA prostatique
- Tests de mémoire
-tests neurosensoriels
- échograhie abdomen
-échographie pelvis
- ostéodensimétrie
- bilan cardiaque
Chacun de ces groupes apporte des informations différentes :
le premier groupe rassemble des marqueurs exprimant l'état du statut antioxydant, c'est-à-dire l'état des défenses antioxydantes, (liées en partie aux apports alimentaires) : vitamines antioxydantes, oligo-éléments, etc.)
le second rassemble des marqueurs : glutathion réduit, glutathion oxydé, protéines thiols...
le dernier exprime un ou des risques : lipides oxydés, ADN oxydé, etc.
- Bilan auditif
- Bilan visuel
- Carte identite génétique
mercredi 15 février 2012
mardi 14 février 2012
lundi 13 février 2012
Les aliments pour la sante du cerveau
1. Suivez un régime allégé contre le cholestérol
2. Consommez des produits laitiers allégés et des viandes maigres
3. Augmentez vos rations de céréales complètes et de légumes
4. Choisissez des aliments riches en vitamine C et E et enrichissez votre régime de suppléments
5. Consommez des aliments riches en vitamines B complexes ou des céréales enrichies
samedi 11 février 2012
Les légumes et le curcuma pour un cerveau en santé
Yves Agid est un grand specialiste du cerveau
Conseils pour la santé
Conseils pour la santé
Tout peut être dit, ajoute-t-il ; ce qui compte, c’est la façon de le dire. Exprimons ce que nous pensons calmement, sur un ton non agressif. Apprenons à écouter : la véritable communication commence par l’écoute de l’autre. Ne nous isolons pas ; ne nous renfermons pas sur nos rancœurs. Exprimons-nous avec calme, simplicité et , si possible humour. Ne disons pas de mal des autres. Faisons, dans nos vies, une place à la culture, en choisissant des domaines de prédilection en fonction de nos préférences et de nos aptitudes.
Faisons de nos activités sportives un temps de détente et de partage, dans la bonne humeur. Réapprenons le calme et la sérénité.
· Pratiquons largement l’hydrothérapie. Elle est un excellent traitement de la fatigue :
- l’eau chaude apaise et détend, notamment les bains ; évitons toutefois les bains trop chauds qui fatiguent
- l’eau fraîche détend, favorise la circulation, donne une sensation de bien être, notamment l’eau fraîche sur le visage.
- l’eau froide tonifie, mais il faut en user avec mesure.
· L’exercice physique est un des meilleurs remèdes à la fatigue nerveuse, notamment la marche. Lorsqu’on peut l’effectuer en montagne, elle apporte une meilleure oxygénation de nos tissus et de nos cellules nerveuses. L’aération, l’oxygène sont les meilleurs défatiguants de nos cellules nerveuses.
« le meilleur sport à conseiller, c’est la marche » (Dr de Monbenard)
5 minutes de gymnastique par jour, 2 à 3 heures d’activités de plein air par semaine, valent mieux qu’un abus de médicaments.
· Apprenons à nous détendre, à nous décontracter, à faire face aux situations imprévues avec calme et lucidité. Des exercices de relaxation peuvent nous y aider.
La sante du cerveau
Les 5 facteurs santé pour fortifier son cerveau :
1- L'alimentation
Pour être heureux, mangez du poisson!
Le poisson est un excellent aliment pour favoriser la santé de l'organisme en général et du cerveau en particulier. L'huile de poisson, en plus d'apporter de bonnes quantités d'acide gras DHA, semble augmenter le taux de sérotonine dans le cerveau, un neurotransmetteur qui influence de façon positive le comportement et l'humeur.
2- Les suppléments alimentaires, de plantes et vitamines
Les vitamines importantes pour le cerveau
Vitamines du groupe B
Ce groupe de vitamines joue un rôle important au niveau du système nerveux et de l'assimilation des glucides. L'acide folique, les vitamines B6 et B12 préviennent la présence d'homocystéine dans le sang, un facteur favorisant le développement de plaque athéromateuse. La levure de bière est riche en vitamines du groupe B ainsi qu'en protéines et minéraux. C'est un excellent aliment pour le cerveau.
Vitamine E
C'est une vitamine liposoluble très importante pour la protection du cerveau et des cellules nerveuses. Une des meilleures vitamines anti-oxydante, elle peut traverser facilement la barrière hémato-encéphalique.
Vitamine C
Cette vitamine est présente 10 fois plus dans le plasma de la barrière hémato-encéphalique, que n'importe ou ailleurs dans l'organisme. Cette vitamine est un excellent anti-oxydant, mais elle a en plus la particularité de régénérer la vitamine E et le glutathion (un des anti-oxydants les plus importants de l'organisme).
3- Activité physique
4- Méditation et Relaxation
La méditation et la relaxation procurent un état physiologique favorisant le maintien de la santé physique et émotionnelle.
5- Repos et sommeil
L'organisme a besoin de phases de repos.
6- Activité mentale
La qualité de vie d'une personne âgée dépend beaucoup de l'état de son cerveau. Il appartient à chacun de protéger dès le plus jeune âge cet organe merveilleux du corps humain. La dégradation de la santé du cerveau ne se fait pas en quelques jours, mais sur 10, 20 ou 30 ans. Une mauvaise alimentation et le stress non contrôlé de chaque jour seront responsables de l'état de notre cerveau à 60 ans et plus. La qualité de notre fin de vie dépend donc de notre mode de vie d'hier et d'aujourd'hui.
Source :
jeudi 9 février 2012
vendredi 3 février 2012
source esante
Le cuivre est un oligo élément qui se trouve vraiment en toutes petites quantités. L'organisme d'un être humain en renferme environ 100 mg. Parce que les besoins sont peu élevés et toujours satisfaits par l'alimentation, la carence en cuivre est rarissime. Mais son excès peut-être dangereux.
Complements alimentaires
Source esanté
Compléments alimentaires : les règles d'or
Pour être sûr de ne pas se tromper (et de ne pas en abuser), il est nécessaire de suivre certaines règles. Le danger réside surtout dans la tentation de prendre plusieurs types de compléments alimentaires en même temps. Pour les cheveux, ls ongles, la peau Or, si chaque complément respecte les apports quotidiens recommandés, ce n'est pas le cas si on les cumule. À vouloir trop bien faire, vous pouvez compromettre votre santé D'où la nécessité de prendre conseil au préalable avec votre médecin ou votre pharmacien.Le Manganese
Source Esante
Le manganèse est un oligoélément
entrant dans la composition de nombreuses enzymes indispensables à de
multiples réactions dans l'organisme. Bonne nouvelle : la carence, tout
comme l'excès en cet oligoélément est très rare. Le point sur le manganèse.
Synthèse du collagène
Construction des os et des articulations
Métabolisme des glucides
Métabolisme du cholestérol
Synthèse des hormones thyroïdiennes et sexuelles
Activité antioxydante
On trouve environ 20 mg de manganèse dans notre organisme, répartis dans les os, le foie, les reins.
Les apports journaliers recommandés sont de 4 mg.
Zoom sur cet oligoélément : le manganèse
- Quel rôle pour le manganèse ?
- Le manganèse dans notre corps
- Les carences et les excès en manganèse sont rares
Quel rôle pour le manganèse ?
Synthèse du collagène
Construction des os et des articulations
Métabolisme des glucides
Métabolisme du cholestérol
Synthèse des hormones thyroïdiennes et sexuelles
Activité antioxydante
Le manganèse dans notre corps
On trouve environ 20 mg de manganèse dans notre organisme, répartis dans les os, le foie, les reins.
Les apports journaliers recommandés sont de 4 mg.
Prevention Medecine;year=2003;volume=49;issue=3;spage=236;epage=245;aulast=Kedar#top
Some interesting medical articles
Minimize Environmental Exposure
Avoid insecticides
Avoid direct exposure to manganese in the mining industry for instance
Increase the consumption of
Curcumin and spices
Vitamin D
Avoid insecticides
Avoid direct exposure to manganese in the mining industry for instance
Increase the consumption of
Curcumin and spices
Vitamin D
Related Links
Body Cleansing
Psychotherapy and Spiritual Therapy
Get in Touch.
Now, let's start with body cleansing. Body cleansing is extremely important part of every prevention and curing program. You are guessing: "Dietary changes you made are also a form of cleansing." But, most people need more then this, especially when it comes to liver health. Body Cleansing is even important for children. Our internal organs can hold a lot toxins, and sometimes, it is impossible to get those toxins out, without doing cleansing.
Let start with cleansing program. You are suppose to do cleansing in this order:
- Bowel cleanse with parasite cleanse
- Dental cleanup (if you can afford it)
- Kidney Cleanse and
- Liver cleanse.
Body Cleansing for Adults:
Make sure you visit those pages and get more info. Dental cleanup can take many years. If you have a lot of dental metal, do not rush to replace it all at once.
- Bowel cleanse and Parasite cleanse !
- Dental cleanup - dental work may be one cofactor of your disease: amalgam, root canal, nickel crowns, cavitations (pocket inside jaw bone left after extraction of the wisdom and molar teeth )
- Kidney cleanse
- Liver cleanse and Gallbladder cleanse -liver flush!
Bowel cleanse should be done at least once a year.
Liver cleanse is a procedure that, for best results, should be repeated at least 6 - 10 times, every 2 or 3 weeks.
Kidney cleanse is simple and cheap, many herbs can be used to cleanse kidneys. If you have no kidney stones, even Water Cure could be enough!
Body Cleansing for kids:
Dental cleanup .. Kids older then 8 may need dental cleanup (amalgam) and liver cleanse:
Physical Activity (Parkinson´s Disease)
Physical Activity helps cleansing, it brings balance and relieves stress.
Psycho-physical activities will help you balance your body and will help you relief accumulated stress. You will have to find a form of exercise that suit you. I will just give you a few examples:Mini Trampoline jumping - rebounding!
Walk or jog in the nature : Forest, Mountain , river / sea / lake side, beach ... fishing, photo-safari, rowing, riding, golf, ...Tai Chi, Chi Gong, Meditation ...Do not exhaust yourself !
Yoga - Hatha, Meditation, Chinese Yoga ...
Martial Arts: Karate, Judo, Kung Fu, Teakwood, Budokai, Uechi, Aikido ...
Dancing, Aerobics, Gymnastics, Stretching ...
Swimming in non-chlorinated water ! ( Best in minerals rich water - Ocean ! )
Weight lifting, ....
Do not exercise with full stomach ! (You may take a walk!)
Do not hurt yourself !
Sweating is powerful way to cleanse your body from accumulated toxins.
- exercise with a lot of clothes
- Sauna
- drink warm tea in a hot room ...
- eat CAYENNE pepper! ...It is known that some modern industrial toxins and pesticides can leave your body only through sweat glands!
Psychotherapy and Spiritual Therapy
Human body is not just this what we can se. There is more to it. To treat other level of us, to treat soul and to treat mind and unconscious parts of us, I suggest you Hellinger's therapy.
Get in Touch.
Tips for your health
Action Steps
1. Drink purified water and be careful of well water constituents.
Be particularly mindful to avoid high levels of copper, iron,
lead & manganese (especially in work envirnements).2. Eat organic foods and focus sufficiently on cruciferous vegetables and foods high in healthy omega 3 fats.
3. Drink 2 cups of green tea a day
4. Exercise daily
5. Reduce exposure to pesticides, thoroughly wash contaminated fruits & vegetables
jeudi 2 février 2012
Subject: Second Chances and Do-Over's - Part 2
In part one of this series, we discussed how Groundhog Day has
become a metaphor for do-overs and second chances.
Several hundred people commented on the inspiring message of
hope and I trust you'll love what I have to share with you in
this second part.
Today, I am going to reaffirm that do-overs are indeed possible,
and when something in your life goes terribly wrong, it is possible
to fix it.
The following are five rules that you can use to pick yourself
up, get back in the game and make 2012 the best year of your life.
Here's your playbook for success!
Comeback Rule #1 - Refuse Failure
Those with the character to triumph in the end tend not to allow
the indignity of failure to force them down. A comeback accepts
disaster, laughs in its face, and crawls to his feet again.
Do not let failure or setbacks define you, refuse failure, get
back in the game, and play to win!
Comeback Rule #2 - Decide to Fight
Comebacks have an inner sense of justice that refuses to be
violated. They manage their emotions, reminding themselves of
where they've been and why they're here, and resolve that nothing
will stop them. Decide that you are going to fight, take massive
action and never ever give up nor give in.
Comeback Rule #3 - BeResilient
Pain, failure, loss and embarrassment are such great motivators
and you should allow adversity to force your hand to make new
choices and take new actions.
Get busy on turning things around. Sucking
your thumb and hoping for a miracle is not the answer.
Comeback Rule #4 - Focus on Results
Once you're on your way, don't look back and do not allow a previous
faux pas slow you down. A hundred distractions, doubts, and setbacks
will haunt someone recovering from disaster. The true champion
focuses on results, nothing else.
Comeback Rule #5 - Change
Perhaps the most difficult notion to face is the fact that second
chances and do-overs require you to reexamine all of the assumptions
that currently operate in your life and business.
Change and growth is much more than simply acquiring new knowledge
and insights; it's also crucial to unlearn old knowledge that has
outlived its relevance.
It's ONLY when you change your behavior that you can break free
from the eternity of ruinous repetition and kick open the gates
to unlimited prosperity and I'd like to show you how.
Say hello to my friend Gary Ryan Blair and the 100 Day Challenge!
This extreme performance acceleration program will be the kick in
the behind you need so YOU can change your life for the better, and
All you have to do is say YES, I'm ready for a challenge, and Gary
will show you how to make the best of this second chance to start
the year off with a bang.
I recommend the program, I recommend that you act quickly, and more
importantly I recommend Gary as he is the BEST at what he does.
I almost forgot, Gary has agreed to provide a special ONE-DAY only
discount exclusively for my friends.
To make sure you get your super saver discount, please use this
code: groundhog
This will be perhaps the smartest decision you make all year!
P.S. Be sure to check out the video that explains the entire
system. It's the best I've ever seen.
Go here now:
To make sure you get your super saver discount, please use this
code: groundhog
- Patrick Taranto
- Fondateur de Media JD
- Talent Scouting and Matchmaking
- ESCP Europe 1989
- Tel:
- -
mercredi 1 février 2012
Second Chances and Do-Over's
With Groundhog Day rapidly approaching, my mind has turned to
the elusive do-over.
The 1993 Bill Murray flick named for February 2nd has become
a cult classic. For those who haven't seen it the movie's plot
centers around a crotchety guy named Phil Conners, played by
Murray. Phil is forced to endure the same day over and over
until he gets it "right."
With Groundhog Day rapidly approaching, my mind has turned to
the elusive do-over.
The 1993 Bill Murray flick named for February 2nd has become
a cult classic. For those who haven't seen it the movie's plot
centers around a crotchety guy named Phil Conners, played by
Murray. Phil is forced to endure the same day over and over
until he gets it "right."
The golden opportunity that Phil gets is to explore all of the
different ways to play out his day. First, we meet the mean and
selfish Phil, then the woman chasing Phil and then the do-gooder
Finally, just when all hope is lost and Phil truly accepts his
fate, we meet the real Phil. And on the morning of February 3rd,
we watch as Phil wakes up in the arms of the woman he loves.
It's a new day, and he's a renewed man.
For Phil, the do-over worked. It taught him about the man he
was on the inside -- the guy he was hiding from the world in
favor of the person he thought people expected him to be.
When Phil stopped caring about what others wanted from him, thought
about him or believed about him, he was able to be his authentic
self. And that proved to be the man who all the women in the movie
fell in love with.
So, what can we learn from Phil?
That do-overs are indeed possible, and when something in your
life goes terribly wrong, it is possible to fix it.
To wipe the slate clean, as we learn from Phil, you have to first
get honest -- honest with yourself, honest about your intentions,
and honest about the effort you have put forth.
In this case, I want to talk with you about a second chance to
make 2012 the best year of your life.
When the novelist F. Scott Fitzgerald famously wrote that "there
are no second acts in American lives," he was obviously incorrect
and ignorant to the fact that human beings have an enormous capacity
for overcoming adversity both personal and professional, with
intelligence, patience, and panache.
Comebacks, redemption and second acts are ubiquitous in our culture
today: the celebrity who turns a life of addiction into one of
redemption and purpose; the politician who falls from grace and
rises to create a nonprofit that helps the disadvantaged, and a
good number of people who recommitted to their goals and made
wonderful things happen in their lives.
So often it is a major setback that puts the spotlight on our lives and shows us the way to a meaningful
"second act."
Sooner or later we all hits the skids. It happens to everyone.
At some point we all wind up with our backs against the wall
and need a second chance in order to make a comeback.
Yes, we all get knocked down, but successful people know how
to pick themselves back up.
So how do we do it?
Stay tuned for tomorrow's email (part 2) where I'll provide you
with a HIGHLY EFFECTIVE solution that will rock your world.
Keep an eye out as you do not want to miss out on the second
part of this message.
The golden opportunity that Phil gets is to explore all of the
different ways to play out his day. First, we meet the mean and
selfish Phil, then the woman chasing Phil and then the do-gooder
Finally, just when all hope is lost and Phil truly accepts his
fate, we meet the real Phil. And on the morning of February 3rd,
we watch as Phil wakes up in the arms of the woman he loves.
It's a new day, and he's a renewed man.
For Phil, the do-over worked. It taught him about the man he
was on the inside -- the guy he was hiding from the world in
favor of the person he thought people expected him to be.
When Phil stopped caring about what others wanted from him, thought
about him or believed about him, he was able to be his authentic
self. And that proved to be the man who all the women in the movie
fell in love with.
So, what can we learn from Phil?
That do-overs are indeed possible, and when something in your
life goes terribly wrong, it is possible to fix it.
To wipe the slate clean, as we learn from Phil, you have to first
get honest -- honest with yourself, honest about your intentions,
and honest about the effort you have put forth.
In this case, I want to talk with you about a second chance to
make 2012 the best year of your life.
When the novelist F. Scott Fitzgerald famously wrote that "there
are no second acts in American lives," he was obviously incorrect
and ignorant to the fact that human beings have an enormous capacity
for overcoming adversity both personal and professional, with
intelligence, patience, and panache.
Comebacks, redemption and second acts are ubiquitous in our culture
today: the celebrity who turns a life of addiction into one of
redemption and purpose; the politician who falls from grace and
rises to create a nonprofit that helps the disadvantaged, and a
good number of people who recommitted to their goals and made
wonderful things happen in their lives.
So often it is a major setback that puts the spotlight on our lives and shows us the way to a meaningful
"second act."
Sooner or later we all hits the skids. It happens to everyone.
At some point we all wind up with our backs against the wall
and need a second chance in order to make a comeback.
Yes, we all get knocked down, but successful people know how
to pick themselves back up.
So how do we do it?
Stay tuned for tomorrow's email (part 2) where I'll provide you
with a HIGHLY EFFECTIVE solution that will rock your world.
Keep an eye out as you do not want to miss out on the second
part of this message.
- Patrick Taranto
- Fondateur de Media JD
- Talent Scouting and Matchmaking
- ESCP Europe 1989
- Tel:
- -
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