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mercredi 25 décembre 2019
Diététique pour le foie
Un bon "foyaliste" doit avoir deux réflexes directionnels...
La foi à gauche, le foie à droite.
ce qui est essentiel pour glorifier le foie de droite se résume en 5 points
ce qui est essentiel pour glorifier le foie de droite se résume en 5 points
De l'eau douce de l'eau douce de l'eau douce toujours de l'eau douce !
point1 : produits céréaliers à grains entiers
Pain multicéréales, quinoa, pâtes alimentaires de grains entiers, riz brun, orge mondée, gruau, etc. :
point 2 : les protéines végétales
Légumineuses, tofu, tempeh, noix et graines, etc. :
point 3 : les végétaux colorés
Brocolis, épinards, betteraves, pamplemousse (sauf si maladie de crohn ou avant une greffe ! Très important), orange, etc. :
point 4 : Aliments sans sucres ajoutés
L’accumulation de gras au niveau du foie est obtenue par une surconsommation de sucre ou de calories pouvant expliquer un surplus de poids au niveau de l’abdomen . Ainsi, la lecture de la liste d’ingrédients de chaque produit consommé devient un atout indispensable pour la santé du foie. Pour s’assurer de limiter les aliments avec sucres ajoutés, il convient de repérer les mots « sucre », « glucose », « glucose-fructose », « sirop de… », ainsi que les sucres alcools tels que le sorbitol, le maltitol et le xylitol. Si la liste des ingrédients contient dès les tous premiers éléments mentionnés l’un de ces mots, il vaut mieux trouver un substitut. Je vous l'accorde il faut avoir une vue de + de 10/10éme pour pouvoir lire correctement, , une liste digne d'ingrédients
point 5 : le café eh oui...
Quoi de plus rassurant que de savoir que votre café du matin possède d’autres bienfaits que de faciliter votre éveil. En effet, la consommation modérée (une à deux tasses par jour) serait aussi bénéfique pour le foie, puisqu’elle permettrait de diminuer sa rigidité.
point1 : produits céréaliers à grains entiers
Pain multicéréales, quinoa, pâtes alimentaires de grains entiers, riz brun, orge mondée, gruau, etc. :
point 2 : les protéines végétales
Légumineuses, tofu, tempeh, noix et graines, etc. :
point 3 : les végétaux colorés
Brocolis, épinards, betteraves, pamplemousse (sauf si maladie de crohn ou avant une greffe ! Très important), orange, etc. :
point 4 : Aliments sans sucres ajoutés
L’accumulation de gras au niveau du foie est obtenue par une surconsommation de sucre ou de calories pouvant expliquer un surplus de poids au niveau de l’abdomen . Ainsi, la lecture de la liste d’ingrédients de chaque produit consommé devient un atout indispensable pour la santé du foie. Pour s’assurer de limiter les aliments avec sucres ajoutés, il convient de repérer les mots « sucre », « glucose », « glucose-fructose », « sirop de… », ainsi que les sucres alcools tels que le sorbitol, le maltitol et le xylitol. Si la liste des ingrédients contient dès les tous premiers éléments mentionnés l’un de ces mots, il vaut mieux trouver un substitut. Je vous l'accorde il faut avoir une vue de + de 10/10éme pour pouvoir lire correctement, , une liste digne d'ingrédients
point 5 : le café eh oui...
Quoi de plus rassurant que de savoir que votre café du matin possède d’autres bienfaits que de faciliter votre éveil. En effet, la consommation modérée (une à deux tasses par jour) serait aussi bénéfique pour le foie, puisqu’elle permettrait de diminuer sa rigidité.
De petites quantités de thé peuvent avoir le même effet. Vert de préférence.
Avis à bon entendeur
lundi 23 décembre 2019
Choushi pour Casimir
Voici quelques photos de mon fameux "choushi" version prototypique mais assez réaliste que j'ai confectionné pour Casimir, notre feu ami collègue de Dorothée et amateur de Gloubi-boulga ! Nous pourrons par la suite proposer un recueil de recettes dynamiques de mes créations comme la crème bastille, la crème amer (l'amer qu'on voit coller le long des...) et autres gelées ou consommés soignant.
mercredi 4 décembre 2019
The beginners guide to meditation
mercredi 20 novembre 2019
Happiness through self care
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P.S. - This is a special offer not made anywhere else. Get these 10 impactful video tutorials right now and in just a few minutes from now. Click the big Add To Cart button above to get instant access!
How To Live To Be A Hundred
The Ultimate Secrets of Healthy Heart & Longevity Finally Revealed! - Learn How You Can Add 10-20 More Years To Your Life By Reversing Arteriosclerosis & Curing Bad Habits
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If you are under 20, you can increase your life-span by as much as 15 years. Even if you are over 60, you can still enjoy more than two golden, "bonus" years by following the advice in this life-changing book!
Dear Friend,
You can live to be 100!
Here are the six things that this information will do for you:
You may well ask—"What will this book do for me?" or to paraphrase Ben Franklin, "Can it bring me health (which is really wealth), happiness, and wisdom?" It can, for many reasons.
Here are the six things that this information will do for you:
You may well ask—"What will this book do for me?" or to paraphrase Ben Franklin, "Can it bring me health (which is really wealth), happiness, and wisdom?" It can, for many reasons.
A growing number of books for laymen on the subject of health have appeared in the past decade. Never before has there been such widespread popular interest in medical science.
Much of this interest has been motivated by the unprecedented advances in medical research that have been made in our time.
One discovery has led rapidly to another and many old views are radically changed. New information, new diagnostic tools, and new drugs have provided new answers to many old problems that were believed to be without solution.
Even the practicing physician cannot always keep abreast of these swift developments in medical progress. He cannot take time from treatment of his patients to evaluate all reports of new findings and new products that daily flood his office.
At the same time, he cannot shirk the traditional responsibility of the physician to teach the public how to prevent illness and how best to treat it when it occurs.
The answer, therefore, seems to lie in a division of labor among doctors. Each should contribute to the nation's health literature information on the particular phase of medicine about which he is best qualified to speak. Such information, whether derived from research or from his daily practice, should be as reliable and as safe as a prescription.
Not all books appearing today—even those written by physicians—come up to this high standard. Many are written merely to entertain, to exploit some medical novelty, or sometimes to enhance the prestige of the author.
In preparing the following work for the general reader, the author has aimed at a twofold objective: to prolong your life and to save you from crippling or fatal heart disease resulting from hardening of the arteries.
The information offered here is based upon the writer's 25 years of medical practice, extensive research, and clinical experience.
The low-fat diet, weight reduction, and nutritional program presented in this book are not a panacea for all illnesses. They are not a get-healthy-quick nostrum or cure for everything that ails you.
However in the opinion of the author and a large number of scientists and physicians, these measures are the most effective known to prevent and treat hardening of the arteries or arteriosclerosis, today's greatest cause of sickness and death.
There are unquestionably other still unknown causes of hardening of the arteries in the heart, brain, and other vital tissues of the body. Not only is there little or nothing known about them, but there is no effective remedy other than those presented in the following pages.
At this very moment, countless research scientists and physician-investigators are searching the unknown in the life-or-death quest for the various causes and the cure for arteriosclerosis. If this miraculous discovery should come to pass, the way of eating and living described in this book may become of historical interest only.
But, until that day of more perfect knowledge arrives, I believe we should, in all good conscience, use the most perfect tools that we now have, namely the dietary and nutritional tools set forth in this book. The mounting evidence that they can save the lives and health of countless victims is now too powerful to allow us to stand by and wait for the perfect cure or the therapeutic millennium.
If you will read this book carefully, and apply the simple, easy-to-follow directions given, it will definitely enable you to accomplish the following:
How many years depends upon your present age and weight. If you are under 20, for example, you can increase your life-span by as much as 15 years. Even if you are over 60, you can still enjoy more than two golden, "bonus" years. These figures are based upon actual Metropolitan Life Insurance tables, included in this book.
In addition to prolonging your life by controlling your weight, correct diet can also save you from heart and blood vessel disease. Almost all heart researchers agree that when people who have defective fat metabolism eat a high-fat diet, heart disease often results.
In the following pages you will find instructions, in detail, on what to eat to maintain a well-balanced diet and at the same time to avoid fat-rich foods that may undermine your health.
Complete daily menus for a period of several weeks are included.
Complete daily menus for a period of several weeks are included.
3. DISCOVER NEW VITALITY THROUGH DIETARY SUPPLEMENTSMedical research has discovered a number of important dietary supplements that not only improve the body's general efficiency and well-being but help prevent hardening and blocking of the arteries—the condition that sets the stage for heart attacks and strokes.
The nutritional supplements combined with vitamins that are described in the following pages can help you overcome fatigue, nervousness, and loss of energy.
Medical science has effectively demonstrated that millions of Americans eat three meals a day but are poorly or badly nourished ; many are overweight. Yet they suffer from the symptoms of malnutrition or borderline, subclinical illness.
This is often expressed by feelings of tiredness, nervous symptoms, and loss of vitality. The author will describe the results of controlled studies into new products that he and his associates have conducted to prove their effectiveness and safety.
4. KNOW WHAT TO DO ABOUT SMOKINGThe role that cigarette smoking plays in various diseases has been the subject of intensive research. The discussion of tobacco will answer many of your questions concerning the effect of smoking on the heart and blood vessels.
5. KNOW WHAT TO DO ABOUT USING ALCOHOLThe question of alcohol, although not so important to the prevention and treatment of heart disease as it is to some other physical disorders, is also discussed, and professional advice given for using it safely.
6. PUT SUNSHINE INTO YOUR AUTUMN YEARSIt would be only a limited gain if the years added to your life were years of unhappiness or ill health. Therefore, the author has included advice for meeting the special problems of the older years.
The writer believes that a longer, happier life will be yours if you make a whole-hearted effort to absorb and follow the directions given here. Like most worthwhile undertakings, it will take patience and time. But the results are so vital to you and to your loved ones, that your utmost efforts can reward you with a rich harvest of health and extra years of happy living.

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How To Live To Be A Hundred order .
The elixir of Longevity
What’s wrong with me?
That’s the question you keep asking yourself everyday...
When you get up in the morning and look at yourself in the mirror...
Just to discover there is a new wrinkle on your face...
As if that’s bad, how about the sagging face?
The hormone imbalance that causes you to lose control of your weight...
And all of the stubborn fat that accumulates around your waist, arm and thigh...
Not to mention the obvious cellulite...
You were so disgusted and disappointed with yourself...
You look 10 years older than your actual age...
It goes without saying that your appearance is not as attractive compared to those times...
You push away human affection and avoid eye contact...
Because you think that you don’t deserve love...
Bottom line?
You are just depressed that you are getting older and uglier!
To restore your beauty, I am sure you have bought and tried plenty of expensive anti-aging skincare that promised to...
Get rid of your wrinkles, pigmentation, dark circle, eye bags, and uneven skin tone...
Products such as detox tea, slimming pills and creams, extreme diet, workout, traditional medicine...
Unfortunately, nothing works...
Even if it does work, the effect doesn’t last long!
The wrinkles still stay and the skin remains dull...
It seems fated that your life cycle is to get old, sick and die...
The good news is...
There are actually ways to reclaim your youth and revitalize your vigor!
I’m not talking about witch doctors or shamans concocting those “special potions”...
And I’m definitely not referring to botox, laser and surgery...
We all know that the quick solution to immediately look young is to undergo through an anti-aging process.
But what you don’t know is that there are numerous inexpensive ways to achieve just that!
By undergoing botox, surgery and laser will put your life at risk...
By undergoing botox,
surgery and laser will put your life at risk...
And honestly, the so-called “new” looks will make you look artificial and synthetic...
Besides, even if you are “successful” with the first try, there’s no end in sight to MAINTAIN it!
These “follow up” schedules can cost in the range of thousands of dollars...
And you even have to sign a consent form relieving the doctors of their responsibilities in the event anything goes wrong with the procedure!
Given a choice, do you actually want to put your life at risk?
I bet your answer is a big NO!!!
Fortunately for you, I have discovered the secrets to getting the beauty and youth that you desire...
But what if I told you that the doctors are trying to keep you away from knowing these secrets because it will cost them to lose business?
That these secrets once revealed to you will totally change on how you see AGING and transform your looks!
Years ago, I wasn’t as enthusiastic as I am now...
This is due to the hereditary conditions and my poor lifestyle choices...
I was diagnosed with obesity, high blood pressure and diabetes...
And all these happened at the mere age of 40!
Doctors told me that I have a health and body of over 60 years-old...
I was so shocked with the diagnosis and soon medical prescription and follow up treatment becomes part of my daily routine...
You see,
Just by taking medication or prescription is just PREVENTING my health from further deteriorating...
It’s just a temporary band aid solution...
To be precise, it’s a ticking bomb waiting to explode...
If not defused immediately, it’s just a matter of time that the health and energy level will just BLOW OUT of proportion at the later stage!
Hence, pre-emptive measures have to be deployed immediately!
Initially I undergo a period of strict regime and transformation for the sake of restoring my health...
By increasing my workout intensity, incorporating cardio workouts to improve my endurance.
Health aside... I even begin to look BETTER and YOUNGER...
My skin complexion improves, I feel healthier, and am even able to compete with people younger than me.
Instead of looking like 60, now I begin to look like 30!
All without the need to pay for expensive surgeries, laser and injections!
This is all achieved with hard work and natural methods without any SIDE EFFECTS from “medication.”
If you find it a little too good to be true or even hard to accept...
That it’s in fact TRUE!
I gather all my experiences and proven methods and put them ALL into a book so you can achieve the same success as I did...
Allow me to introduce you to...
The Elixir of Longevity!
A book that contained my experiences of more than 10 years of how I transform myself from a physical appearance and health...
Of a 60-year old to a 30-year old!
In this book, you will learn how to...
Shorten the duration to get the desired beauty results without endangering your health...
Restore your self-confidence and regain your motivation...
Improve intimacy with your beloved ones and have a better sex life...
Previously I was ashamed...
But now I feel proud announcing my age...
Because I am the living proof that age is just a number!
“Stop letting others define you. Stop letting others dilute you. Don’t be bullied or pressured into being less than you are.”
How many times do you miss the important moments with your family due to your health issues?
How many times can you tolerate when you caught your beloved ones checking out the other ladies or gentlemen but not you?
The wait is FINALLY over...
Our beauty is our self-confidence...
And our health is our wealth...
To live a life of SICKNESS FREE and be PROUD of who you are...
Take action NOW,
As our health is our responsibility!
Many have begun this transformation progress for their own sake...
So, what are you waiting for?
Just send an email to with in the subject line : The elixir of longevity order and I will send you a link to but it.
That’s the question you keep asking yourself everyday...
When you get up in the morning and look at yourself in the mirror...
Just to discover there is a new wrinkle on your face...
As if that’s bad, how about the sagging face?
The hormone imbalance that causes you to lose control of your weight...
And all of the stubborn fat that accumulates around your waist, arm and thigh...
Not to mention the obvious cellulite...
You were so disgusted and disappointed with yourself...
You look 10 years older than your actual age...
It goes without saying that your appearance is not as attractive compared to those times...
You push away human affection and avoid eye contact...
Because you think that you don’t deserve love...
Bottom line?
You are just depressed that you are getting older and uglier!
To restore your beauty, I am sure you have bought and tried plenty of expensive anti-aging skincare that promised to...
Get rid of your wrinkles, pigmentation, dark circle, eye bags, and uneven skin tone...
Products such as detox tea, slimming pills and creams, extreme diet, workout, traditional medicine...
Unfortunately, nothing works...
Even if it does work, the effect doesn’t last long!
The wrinkles still stay and the skin remains dull...
It seems fated that your life cycle is to get old, sick and die...
The good news is...
There are actually ways to reclaim your youth and revitalize your vigor!
I’m not talking about witch doctors or shamans concocting those “special potions”...
And I’m definitely not referring to botox, laser and surgery...
We all know that the quick solution to immediately look young is to undergo through an anti-aging process.
But what you don’t know is that there are numerous inexpensive ways to achieve just that!
By undergoing botox, surgery and laser will put your life at risk...
By undergoing botox,
surgery and laser will put your life at risk...
And honestly, the so-called “new” looks will make you look artificial and synthetic...
Besides, even if you are “successful” with the first try, there’s no end in sight to MAINTAIN it!
These “follow up” schedules can cost in the range of thousands of dollars...
And you even have to sign a consent form relieving the doctors of their responsibilities in the event anything goes wrong with the procedure!
Given a choice, do you actually want to put your life at risk?
I bet your answer is a big NO!!!
Fortunately for you, I have discovered the secrets to getting the beauty and youth that you desire...
But what if I told you that the doctors are trying to keep you away from knowing these secrets because it will cost them to lose business?
That these secrets once revealed to you will totally change on how you see AGING and transform your looks!
Years ago, I wasn’t as enthusiastic as I am now...
This is due to the hereditary conditions and my poor lifestyle choices...
I was diagnosed with obesity, high blood pressure and diabetes...
And all these happened at the mere age of 40!
Doctors told me that I have a health and body of over 60 years-old...
I was so shocked with the diagnosis and soon medical prescription and follow up treatment becomes part of my daily routine...
You see,
Just by taking medication or prescription is just PREVENTING my health from further deteriorating...
It’s just a temporary band aid solution...
To be precise, it’s a ticking bomb waiting to explode...
If not defused immediately, it’s just a matter of time that the health and energy level will just BLOW OUT of proportion at the later stage!
Hence, pre-emptive measures have to be deployed immediately!
Initially I undergo a period of strict regime and transformation for the sake of restoring my health...
By increasing my workout intensity, incorporating cardio workouts to improve my endurance.
Health aside... I even begin to look BETTER and YOUNGER...
My skin complexion improves, I feel healthier, and am even able to compete with people younger than me.
Instead of looking like 60, now I begin to look like 30!
All without the need to pay for expensive surgeries, laser and injections!
This is all achieved with hard work and natural methods without any SIDE EFFECTS from “medication.”
If you find it a little too good to be true or even hard to accept...
That it’s in fact TRUE!
I gather all my experiences and proven methods and put them ALL into a book so you can achieve the same success as I did...
Allow me to introduce you to...
The Elixir of Longevity!
A book that contained my experiences of more than 10 years of how I transform myself from a physical appearance and health...
Of a 60-year old to a 30-year old!
In this book, you will learn how to...
Shorten the duration to get the desired beauty results without endangering your health...
Restore your self-confidence and regain your motivation...
Improve intimacy with your beloved ones and have a better sex life...
Previously I was ashamed...
But now I feel proud announcing my age...
Because I am the living proof that age is just a number!
“Stop letting others define you. Stop letting others dilute you. Don’t be bullied or pressured into being less than you are.”
How many times do you miss the important moments with your family due to your health issues?
How many times can you tolerate when you caught your beloved ones checking out the other ladies or gentlemen but not you?
The wait is FINALLY over...
Our beauty is our self-confidence...
And our health is our wealth...
To live a life of SICKNESS FREE and be PROUD of who you are...
Take action NOW,
As our health is our responsibility!
Many have begun this transformation progress for their own sake...
So, what are you waiting for?
Just send an email to with in the subject line : The elixir of longevity order and I will send you a link to but it.
lundi 4 novembre 2019
mardi 15 octobre 2019
Anti-Aging Super Foods
Only Available For A Limited Time!

Download This FREE Report Now And Discover:
- Whether you're looking to turn back the hands of time or you're looking to lose weight and tone your body, the power foods featured on page 7 will help you start the transformation process so you look and feel years younger!
- Forget about expensive treatments or surgery; you simply don't need either! With the anti-aging foods found on page 13 you'll be able to reduce fine lines and wrinkles quickly!
- Explore the top foods for increasing the one thing that leads to youthful-looking skin! Just by eating a couple of these proven anti-aging foods will prime your body and make you look as though you've uncovered the fountain of youth!
- Don't miss our Anti-Aging Secret Weapon found on page 19! With this information you'll never have to purchase expensive skin lotions, creams or treatments again!
- And much more - all within this special FREE report!

Heal with fruits and vegetables
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How To Heal With Fruits & Vegetables
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New report Evidence Based Health Tips
Download This FREE Report Now And Discover:
- Stop following useless (and even potentially dangerous) information that impacts your overall health! Instead, follow these tips for a healthier, happier you that are based on proven evidence!
- Discover how choosing the right combination of power foods will lead to optimum health and how to exploit them for an instant boost in energy and focus!
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lundi 26 août 2019
lundi 8 juillet 2019
vendredi 5 juillet 2019
Meal Prepping
Meal Prepping
For one week, you will find:
- 1 complete shopping list
- Recipes for 7 days
- 7 steps to prepare al the meals of the week
- Photographs of the dishes
In this book, you will find:
7 days complete menus, or 21 balanced dishes for the whole family.
A zero waste kitchen where everything is consumed and the leftovers used.
Biography of the author
Raphael Maxwell works for publishing in the field of health.
For one week, you will find:
- 1 complete shopping list
- Recipes for 7 days
- 7 steps to prepare al the meals of the week
- Photographs of the dishes
In this book, you will find:
7 days complete menus, or 21 balanced dishes for the whole family.
A zero waste kitchen where everything is consumed and the leftovers used.
Biography of the author
Raphael Maxwell works for publishing in the field of health.
How to be healthy with celery : Try Eating Celery for 7 Days and See the Benefits by Yourself (English Edition)
How to be healthy with celery : Try Eating Celery for 7 Days and See the Benefits by Yourself (English Edition)
Celery is one of the superfoods. It is low in calories and high in nutrition. In this book, “How to be Healthy with Celery,” we show you the benefits of eating celery. Celery makes you healthier and adds an exquisite flavor to your dishes.
You also get to learn a few wonderful recipes to help you enjoy celery better. Hope you have a wonderful time!
You also get to learn a few wonderful recipes to help you enjoy celery better. Hope you have a wonderful time!
mardi 2 juillet 2019
Sylviane SEYVET, sophrologue à Tours - Séance visualisation guidée Musi...
Sylviane SEYVET, sophrologue à Tours - Séance visualisation guidée Musi...
lundi 1 juillet 2019
Mon manifeste
Mon manifeste est d tout mettre en oeuvre pour montrer aux hommes et aux femmes qu'il est possible d'aimer mon corps, son ame et son esprit et lui permetre de vivre jusqu'à 120 ans en bonne santé à l'image de mon ami de ma communauté qui vit en excellente santé à 96 ans!
Les 5 piliers
sante spirituelle
santé physique
sante psychique et émotionelle
santé relationnelle
santé financière
Les 5 piliers
sante spirituelle
santé physique
sante psychique et émotionelle
santé relationnelle
santé financière
mardi 25 juin 2019
jeudi 18 avril 2019
lundi 15 avril 2019
vendredi 12 avril 2019
mardi 9 avril 2019
Mon nouveau Programme Best Seller
Hey salut, 
Waaaa hier nous étions plus de 200 connectés, il y a un VERITABLE engouement pour cette formation !
Et c’est normal car nous avons partagé une technique pour générer jusqu'à 1000€/mois (ou plus), sans investir 1€ et en seulement 30 jours, ça a fait un carton !!!
Ce programme en 5 étapes te partage le plan d'action à copier/coller pour créer un ebook sans écrire un seul mot et le vendre comme des petits pains sans devoir investir dans de la publicité afin de gagner jusqu'à 1000€/mois (ou plus) en 30 jours.
Etape 1 : Les Idées qui rapportent vraiment
Dans cette première étape nous te partageons nos clefs pour trouver des idées d'ebook qui rapportent vraiment afin de générer un revenu presque garanti.
Etape 2 : Créer son livre sans écrire un seul mot
Nous te partageons nos astuces pour créer ton livre sans écrire un seul mot et de façon 100% gratuite.
Etape 3 : Relecture gratuite
Puisqu’il faudra faire relire ton livre, nous avons trouvé une astuce pour qu'une personne relise ton livre gratuitement, afin de corriger les fautes et donner son avis pour l'améliorer.
Etape 4 : Publier son livre en 5 min chrono
Nous t'expliquons comment publier ton livre sur Amazon, un site avec plusieurs millions de futurs clients.
Ceci te donnera une certain notoriété et rassurera tes futurs clients à acheter ton livre, même si tu n'es pas connu.
Etape 5 : Vendre son ebook à la pelle
Ensuite nous te dirons comment optimiser tes ventes aves l'objectif de te faire gagner jusqu'à 1000€/mois ou BEAUCOUP PLUS en 30 jours.
BONUS 1 : Pack de 3 ebooks pour aller vers le succès (Valeur 200€)
BONUS 2 : 31 idées de livres qui rapportent vraiment (Valeur 200€)
BONUS 3 : Transformer votre livre en revenu à 5 chiffres (Valeur 1000€)
BONUS 4 : Nos 2 outils favoris dont un pour faciliter la vie et créer un best-seller sans écrire un mot (Valeur 250€)
BONUS 5 : Comment vous démarquer de la concurrence et rafler la mise grâce à un hack peu connu (Valeur 350€)
BONUS 6 : Notre réseau de prestataires de qualité (Valeur 100€)
BONUS 7 : Notre communauté Facebook entraide, relecture, avis, correction, opinion positive, Boost, motivation… (Valeur 500€)
Programme : valeur 1000€
7 bonus : valeur 2600€
= 3600€
Mais ce n'est pas le tarif que nous te proposons, puisque cette formation est proposée a un tarif de lancement spécial et valable seulement 4 jours.
vendredi 22 mars 2019
mercredi 20 mars 2019
jeudi 21 février 2019
lundi 4 février 2019
Comment bien vieillir ?
Bien vieillir n’est pas évident pour tout le monde. Pour un homme d’une quarantaine d’années, l’avenir peut même paraître « délicat ». En prenant dès à présent de bonnes habitudes, chaque personne peut apprendre à bien vieillir.
Bien vieillir est une question d’habitudes et de routines
Âgé d’une quarantaine d’années, un homme qui souhaite changer ses habitudes décide de mettre en place une sorte de routine bien-être et forme. Chaque jour, il réalise des exercices physiques plus ou moins soutenus, ainsi que de la relaxation et de la méditation. Ces activités de détente sont bénéfiques à la fois pour le corps et pour l’esprit. Elles l’aident à se recentrer sur ses sensations et ses pensées positives. L’art thérapie, une nouvelle tendance bien-être, lui apporte aussi beaucoup de bien.
En parallèle, il sollicite ce que la nature nous propose de meilleur en intégrant des compléments alimentaires naturels à son alimentation. Ces produits 100 % naturels peuvent être du ginseng, du guarana ou encore, du gingembre et de la spiruline. Ils lui apportent des nutriments essentiels pour être en forme et vieillir dans les meilleures conditions possible.
L’intérêt de mettre en place ces activités
Mais qu’est-ce que ça veut dire « bien vieillir » au juste ? Pour chacun de nous, bien vieillir permet de se sentir à l’aise dans sa vie et dans son corps à n’importe quel âge. Pour y parvenir, il faut alors faire preuve d’un caractère moral fort et d’une certaine confiance en soi, ce que peut apporter le sport, la méditation et la relaxation. Ainsi, en homme confiant, il communique parfaitement avec son entourage et cultive sa spiritualité. Les nouvelles activités qui ont intégré ses habitudes lui permettent de développer son sens créatif et de s’amuser.
Mais ce n’est pas tout. Ces nouvelles habitudes lui permettent de mieux gérer ses émotions, de maîtriser son stress et d’optimiser son temps. Il est redevenu maître de ses pensées et de son corps, et peut ainsi accomplir ses rêves sans se soucier du temps qui passe.
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