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mercredi 22 décembre 2021
jeudi 16 décembre 2021
Quels complements alimentaires pour les yeux ?
La vertu de la taurine pour les yeux et en particulier la retine
Les vertus de la vitamine E pour la vision
Les vertus de la NAC pour les yeux
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jeudi 9 décembre 2021
mercredi 8 décembre 2021
mardi 7 décembre 2021
lundi 22 novembre 2021
dimanche 21 novembre 2021
Ways to control your stress
Ways to control your Stress:
breathing exercise
slowly and deeply through your nose. Keep your shoulders relaxed. Exhale slowly
through your mouth. As you blow air out, purse your lips slightly, but keep
your jaw relaxed. Repeat this breathing exercise. Do it for several minutes
until you start to feel better.
Note: Its a really effective exercise to calm your body & mind in
minutes. When you overthink and get stressed Start this exercise 10 times. You
will feel relaxed. Never skip it at all. You will do this exercise 1 time in the morning and one time in the evening every day.
to just 2 minutes a day. Start simply if you want the habit to stick. Pick a
time and trigger. Not an exact time of day, but a general time, like morning
when you wake up, or during your lunch hour. Find a quiet spot. Sit
comfortably. Start with just 2 minutes. Focus on your breath.
Note: Never skip meditation at all. it is really effective for your
mind & body to get relax soon. You can try some APPs for meditation also.
There are numerous apps available for meditation.
your expectations
example, plan your day and focus on your priorities. Avoid trying to do too
much and learn to say no. Understand there are some things you can't change or
control, but you can focus on how you react to them.
on issues you can control and make plans to solve them.
you are having an issue at work, try talking to your manager. If you are having
a conflict with your kids or spouse, take steps to resolve it.
stress triggers
to avoid triggers when you can. For example, if rush-hour traffic on the way to
work causes stress, try leaving earlier in the morning, or take public
transportation. Avoid people who cause you stress if possible.
time to relax and to do activities you enjoy
time each day to sit quietly and breathe deeply. Make time for enjoyable
activities or hobbies in your schedule, such as taking a walk, cooking or
gratitude to others can help reduce your stress.
Develop a book reading habits before sleep or when you like to read. It is also a very good technique to overcome your stress and be relax. You can read books like How to be happy, how to become successful.
Regular walk &
Never skip 30 minutes’
walk in park or where you close to nature like beach etc. Never skip your
exercise also Ok it’s really important to be fit & healthy. Exercise &
walk strongly fight back with you stress and reduce it.
10- Eat healthy always
Food plays important role
to fight back with your stress. Always eat healthy and avoid junk food.
BEST wishes for your
health & relationship.THANK YOU
take extra care.
Normal Blood pressure
Your blood pressure need to be normal
A normal blood pressure level is less than 120/80 mmHg
I’m suggesting you some techniques that will help you to remain your blood
pressure normal. Keep in mind you must follow it in your daily routine life
1-Lose extra pounds and watch your waistline
- Men are at risk if
their waist measurement is greater than 40 inches (102 centimeters).
physical activity — such as 150 minutes a week, or about 30 minutes most days
of the week — can lower your blood pressure by about 5 to 8 mm Hg if
you have high blood pressure. It's important to be consistent because if you
stop exercising, your blood pressure can rise again.
a healthy diet
a diet that is rich in whole grains, fruits, vegetables and low-fat dairy
products and skimps on saturated fat and cholesterol can lower your blood
pressure by up to 11 mm Hg if you have high blood pressure. This
eating plan is known as the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH)
sodium in your diet
a small reduction in the sodium in your diet can improve your heart health and
reduce blood pressure by about 5 to 6 mm Hg if you have high blood
the amount of alcohol you drink
can be both good and bad for your health. By drinking alcohol only in
moderation — generally one drink a day for women, or two a day for men — you
can potentially lower your blood pressure by about 4 mm Hg. One drink
equals 12 ounces of beer, five ounces of wine or 1.5 ounces of 80-proof liquor.
cigarette you smoke increases your blood pressure for many minutes after you
finish. Stopping smoking helps your blood pressure return to normal. Quitting
smoking can reduce your risk of heart disease and improve your overall health.
People who quit smoking may live longer than people who never quit smoking.
back on caffeine
role caffeine plays in blood pressure is still debated. Caffeine can raise
blood pressure up to 10 mm Hg in people who rarely consume it. But
people who drink coffee regularly may experience little or no effect on their
blood pressure.
your stress
stress may contribute to high blood pressure. More research is needed to
determine the effects of chronic stress on blood pressure. Occasional stress
also can contribute to high blood pressure if you react to stress by eating
unhealthy food, drinking alcohol or smoking.
your blood pressure at home and see your doctor regularly
If you read this carefully and implement in your life your blood
pressure will be normal soon and never rise in normal routines.
samedi 20 novembre 2021
lundi 27 septembre 2021
4 Ways to Create more Dopamine Naturally
4 Ways to Create more
Dopamine Naturally
We all have down days now and then, but if your mental health is suffering and you’re struggling to find the energy and motivation needed to go about your day, you may want to consider looking at ways of naturally boosting your endorphins.
Dopamine is a
neurotransmitter in the brain which plays a key role in regulating our moods,
our sleeping patterns, our psychological energy, and our motivational levels.
This chemical messenger is also at the core of the brain’s reward system.
Whenever you eat or drink something you enjoy, or take part in an activity you
enjoy, the dopamine in your brain will reward you by making you feel good.
A lack of
dopamine can leave you feeling low and can affect you physically and mentally.
Here’s a look at 4 ways to create more dopamine naturally.
Eat more chicken
Chicken isn’t
just versatile meat that’s ideal for losing weight, there are also a number
of health benefits associated with eating it as well. One such benefit is an
increase in dopamine levels.
Chicken contains
an amino acid which is known as Tyrosine. Tyrosine is a precursor for dopamine
in the body. Once consumed, the body will use Tyrosine and convert it into
dopamine, thereby leaving you feeling happy and content after your meal.
Take a Ginkgo Biloba
Another way to
naturally increase your body’s dopamine production levels is to supplement with
herbal supplements such as Ginkgo Biloba.
Ginkgo Biloba is
a botanical ingredient that is native to China. It has been used as part of
Traditional Chinese Medicine for centuries upon centuries.
Ginkgo Biloba
helps to improve the production of dopamine naturally by providing
antioxidant-like properties and helping to reduce oxidative stress and damage
inside the body.
Consume more B vitamins
If you’re
struggling with low mood, this could be down to a lack of dopamine. This is
where B vitamins prove so useful.
Both in
supplement form, and from whole foods such as red meat, fortified cereals and
grains, and seafood, B vitamins help to regulate your mood in a whole host of
different ways.
Numerous studies
have found a direct link between dopamine deficiencies and a lack of B vitamins
in the body. B vitamins have been found to restore dopamine levels in the body
while reducing oxidative stress in the brain.
In particular,
vitamin B6 is very useful as this vitamin assists with the production of
neurotransmitters in the brain, including serotonin and dopamine.
Eat more cucumbers
Contrary to
popular belief, cucumbers are not low in nutritional value and basically made
up of water. It turns out that cucumbers can actually provide numerous health
benefits, especially when it comes to the brain.
Cucumbers contain
an antioxidant known as Fisetin, which inhibits the activity of 5-lipoxygenase.
This in turn helps to keep brain cells healthy and it battles age-related
degradation of the cells.
Not only that,
this antioxidant also helps to increase dopamine, serotonin, and noradrenaline
within the frontal cortex of the brain, helping to significantly boost your
dimanche 12 septembre 2021
4 Natural Remedies for Headaches
If you’ve ever
suffered with a headache, and there’s a very strong chance that you will have
done in the past, you’ll know just how painful they can be.
Headaches can
cause pain and discomfort, they can affect concentration levels and quality of
life, and they can be very debilitating. Sometimes if you’re lucky your
headache will go away by itself, sometimes it’ll clear up after a good night’s
sleep, yet sometimes it will need treating with painkillers and medication.
The problem with
painkillers and medication is the fact that they are only a temporary fix, they
often just mask the symptoms, and they can damage your health and cause side
effects, especially if consumed for long durations of time and in large
If you suffer
from headaches and want to treat them naturally, there are plenty of natural
and holistic approaches you can take. Here’s a look at 4 natural remedies for
Essential oils and
Rather than using
painkillers and other artificially created lab-made drugs and medicines, why
not treat your headaches with essential oils instead?
Essential oils
contain aromatic compounds from herbal and botanical ingredients and they are
renowned for their healing and medicinal properties. Different essential oils
provide different health benefits.
Lavender and
peppermint essential oils for example, provide anti-inflammatory benefits and
can help to ease inflammation and congestion, which can both cause painful
Drink plenty of water
Perhaps the
easiest, and one of the most effective natural remedies for treating a headache
is to drink plenty of water.
Dehydration is
one of the main triggers for headaches and migraines, so if you aren’t drinking
enough water and getting enough fluid, you are far more likely to suffer with a
Drinking water
each day will not only help to ease the symptoms of a headache, it can also
prevent headaches and migraines entirely. Aim to drink between 8 and 12 glasses
of water each day.
Another natural
remedy for headaches is one which has been a part of Traditional Chinese
Medicine for centuries, and that is acupuncture.
Acupuncture is a
technique which involves small and thin needles being inserted into the skin in
order to stimulate specific parts located within the body.
When the needles
are inserted into the skin, they stimulate the sensory nerves in the skin and
in the muscles. The body naturally produces hormones and neurotransmitters,
including endorphins which help to relieve and block pain and elevate your
Studies have
found that acupuncture is more effective at relieving headaches and migraines
than some prescription drugs, with the added bonus of being far safer and
completely natural.
Massage therapy
Finally, the last
natural remedy for headaches and migraines we have for you today is massage
A massage such as
Shiatsu massage can help to reduce the symptoms of headaches and migraines,
while also reducing the overall frequency in which they occur.
Massage helps to
boost circulation, it increases the production and secretion of endorphins, it
reduces cortisol production, and it helps to enhance coping skills and stress
management skills.
Massages can help
to free up pinched or trapped nerves which could be causing a headache or
migraine, plus they can help to reduce blood pressure and promote feelings of
relaxation while easing tension. If you suffer with tension headaches in
particular, massage therapy is well worth considering.
jeudi 26 août 2021
jeudi 15 juillet 2021
jeudi 13 mai 2021
Career coaching with ease
Are you looking for a change? To executives who want to transition their careers and do not have time to study all the videos on this topic on Youtube or on google , I can help you find your dream job within 2 months. I will reduce your learning curve and help you to accelerate the landing of your next career opportunity. I can also help you to get a raise in your current position. We can also do mock interviews where I will give you instant feedback on your nonverbal and verbal communication. I can also review your resume and your cover letter and even your LinkedIn profile. If you are committed to make a shift in your professional life, just put OK in the comment we will get back to you shortly for a quick free strategic session of 15 minutes. We will discuss your #career #jobsearch #resume #linkedin #change #opportunity
mercredi 12 mai 2021
mardi 27 avril 2021
Are you content with ordinary ?
Are you content with ordinary?
Let me ask you a question...
Have you ever given up on a dream?
Or felt like your life was doomed to be “ordinary”?
Well, allow me to make this clear once and for all… are NOT ordinary.
With every breath, you take you have the chance to live an EXCEPTIONAL life and…
...I’d like to share with you exactly how to do it.
My good friend and mindset expert, John Assaraf, is hosting an on-demand training where he is giving away the 3 shortcuts to unstoppable success used by the world’s most successful people that will allow you to…
...achieve 2-5x more in half the time.
John has built 5 multimillion-dollar companies, written 2 New York Times Bestselling books, and been featured in 8 movies, including the blockbuster hit “The Secret” and “Quest For Success” with Richard Branson and the Dalai Lama.
His life mission is to use the most advanced technologies and evidence-based brain training methods to help individuals unleash their fullest potential and maximize their results.
I promise this will be one of the most transformational trainings you’ve ever seen. You will leave knowing how you can live the life of your dreams. (How awesome is that?!)
Click here for all the details, and to register – and get ready for some mind-expanding FUN.
I’ll see you there!
PS: I’m dead serious when I say this training will teach you powerful shortcuts for creating an exceptional life faster and easier than you would have thought possible.
It only takes about 22 seconds to register, so do it now.
vendredi 16 avril 2021
lundi 5 avril 2021
Enjoy Responsibly
Enjoy Responsibly....A Strategy for Grown Ups
With the current pandemic around the world everybody is being forced to rethink their goals and plans for 2021 and beyond.
Regardless of the final outcome...I'm quite certain, the following truth will always remain.
It does not matter how big, bold or ambitious your goals are in the second quarter...if you cannot convert them into results then it's all wasted, right?
Contrary to popular belief it's not what you know or even who you know that matters most in life...the #1 skill that ultimately determines your destiny is your ability to execute and drive results.
As you are confronted with the reality that the first quarter of the year is history, now is the perfect time to reflect on your performance and overall results.
How many goals have you accomplished so far this year?
Are you on track for having the best year of your life ...or are you under-performing and just getting by?
If you continue doing exactly what you've done during the first quarter, where will you be at the end of 2021?
Will you be struggling, spinning your wheels and in the same place where you are right now?
Why would you want that?
Especially when you could be crushing your goals, living large and securing a rich, robust future.
So what do you do if you're under-performing or unsatisfied with your first quarter results...what strategies can you deploy to make up for lost do you right your wrongs, redeem yourself and stage a comeback?
There's only one answer...
You participate in Gary Ryan Blair's 100 Day Challenge, and you immediately begin to implement the world's best execution strategy for driving radical results--fast.
Today...Gary, who spends most of his time teaching his high performance strategies to Navy SEALs and other Elite Special Forces is doing something he's never done before...
As a friend of mine, Gary's making his 100 Day Challenge available for what I feel is the bargain of the decade.
What normally costs $177, can be yours for just $77....that's a $100 savings off the program that has transformed the lives of people all over the world.
Just to be clear...this is the program I have used to grow my business, and achieve many of my goals and dreams faster than I could ever imagine possible...and I'm confident it will do the same for you. I can't recommend it highly enough.
If learning how to get more done in just 100 days than most people do over the course of 10 years speaks to here now. >
And use this special group code to save $100 off your membership: focus77
This investment in your future is a slam dunk, no-brainer of a decision...but be mindful that it will only be available for a few days.
If you want to learn how to make a quantum leap and transform your life...pounce on this opportunity right now.
Best Regards,
P.S. You're just 100 days from transforming your life...from crushing your goals...getting in great shape... becoming debt free...skyrocketing your sales and income, and making this the best year of your life.
Go here now >
And use this special group code to save $100 on your membership: focus77
vendredi 2 avril 2021
dimanche 21 mars 2021
mardi 16 mars 2021
mercredi 17 février 2021
Would you press this?
If there was a big, red, shiny button in front of you that gave you everything you could ever want and need in your life…. Would you press it?
All those who pressed it, you are in the right place.
I don’t have a big, shiny, magic red button, but I do have the next best thing:
My Genie Script - get it here!
It is my 30-day program that’s designed to teach you my unique meditation technique that took me from zero to $1M, 8-figure online business owner HERO.
You get everything you need to meditate and manifest all of your wildest dreams.
And it is super easy to do, even if you’re new to meditation because the unique sound and frequencies involved are so powerful do most of the work for you!
Just sit back, tune in, and change your own life.
Wesley Virgin
lundi 25 janvier 2021
Colon cleanse
Bowtrol is an all natural herbal colon cleansing treatment that has changed hundreds of thousands of people's lives through our gentle and effective whole body safe and effective internal cleansing.
Le petit atelier des huiles essentielles
Voici ce que je lis sur mon blog. Ces problèmes sont très courants chez la plupart des utilisateurs d'huiles essentielles :
- Vous aimeriez utiliser les huiles essentielles en toute confiance mais vous avez peur de mal faire car vous avez des hésitations
- Vous avez l'impression d'être noyé(e) parmi toutes les huiles essentielles existantes et vous n'arrivez pas à faire votre choix
- Vous voudriez avoir des recettes d'huiles essentielles efficaces et déjà expérimentées mais vous ne savez pas où les trouver. Vous vous dites que c'est trop compliqué alors vous vous résignez
- Vous aimeriez utiliser des huiles essentielles de haute qualité mais vous ne savez pas les reconnaître. Vous vous sentez dépassé par leur complexité
- Vous aimeriez préparer vos propres mélanges d'huiles essentielles mais vous doutez toujours du dosage à respecter
- Vous aimeriez gagner du temps dans votre apprentissage des huiles essentielles et avoir des connaissances concrètes pour enfin soigner vous et votre famille. Mais vous ne trouvez pas de formation qui vous correspondent.
vendredi 15 janvier 2021
Closing down soon...