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lundi 26 décembre 2011

mercredi 21 décembre 2011

Maurice Nahon Un des plus grands specialistes europeens dans la supplementation

Maurice Nahon

Il est l’auteur de plusieurs ouvrages dont, en collaboration avec le Dr Dominique Rueff, La Bible anti-âge et Les Hormones végétales naturelles. Il a par ailleurs rédigé une matière médicale d’homéopathie et adapté des écrits de Linus Pauling.
Très tôt, il s’est intéressé à la phytothérapie et à l’homéopathie pour arriver à l’étude des plantes chinoises puis à la nutrition orthomoléculaire.
C’est un spécialiste de la supplémentation. Dans le cadre du programme SmartPrescription, il apporte aux praticiens qui lui en font la demande un soutien scientifique et pratique pour les aider à mieux prescrire les suppléments nutritionnels les mieux adaptés aux besoins de leurs patients.

Bien vieillir, c'est préserver sa santé physique, intellectuelle et sexuelle, conserver son dynamisme et son ouverture au monde et recourir le moins possible aux médicaments. Un panorama des méthodes nutritionnelles et hormonales permettant de conserver – et même de retrouver – la forme et la santé.

Stratégie longue vie

En 1998, les docteurs Rueff et Nahon publiaient La bible anti-âge, qui connut un vif succès. Depuis, des années se sont écoulées et c'est forts de leur expérience et de leur pratique et grâce aux nouvelles avancées de la recherche que les auteurs nous proposent Stratégie longue vie. Ce livre qui se veut très accessible nous offre les clés d'une meilleure santé, d'une vitalité accrue et d'une longévité heureuse. Non, l'avancée en âge n'est plus un frein au bien-être et au bien- vivre ! Bien vieillir, c'est préserver sa santé physique, intellectuelle et même sexuelle, conserver son dynamisme et son ouverture au monde, recourir le moins possible aux médicaments. Les auteurs présentent ainsi toutes les options, stratégies et techniques - pour la plupart naturelles - qui permettent et favorisent une vie épanouie malgré le temps qui passe. Alors, à vous le bain de jouvence ! Bien vieillir, c'est préserver sa santé physique, intellectuelle et sexuelle, conserver son dynamisme et son ouverture au monde et recourir le moins possible aux médicaments. Un panorama des méthodes nutritionnelles et hormonales permettant de conserver – et même de retrouver – la forme et la santé.

Les hormones végétales naturelles

Cet ouvrage, le premier en français consacré à ce sujet, fait le point des recherches menées sur les traitements hormonaux et explique pratiquement comment les hormones végétales naturelles peuvent transformer votre vie. Comment vieillir le mieux possible en évitant les problèmes inhérents à cette étape de vie ? Face à l'approche médicale traditionnelle, les hormones végétales naturelles représentent une alternative sans danger, sans effets secondaires et à l'efficacité démontrée. Plusieurs milliers d'exemplaires vendus.

lundi 19 décembre 2011

The World’s Best Productivity Strategy – Part One


We are all staring down the barrel of the same reality—
the clock is ticking and no matter how you look at it,
we are approaching the final days of 2011 and the
beginning of a New Year.

You must use the remaining days of this year to achieve
two objectives:

1. Finish the current year strong. Consider the remaining
few days of this year as a now or never opportunity to
finish the year strong, to exceed expectations, and for
some use it as a final chance at redemption.

2. Establish a fast start game plan for making 2012 the
best year of your life.

Let’s cut right to the chase, by looking at the results of
your actions year to date, that REALITY tells you if you
have been successful or not in achieving the goals you
set earlier this year.

As it relates to your goals for 2011, your demonstrated actions
have allowed you to be in one of three positions.

You have either:

1. Exceeded your expectations of what you thought you
could achieve.

2. Met expectations of what you set out to accomplish.

3. Fallen below your desired expectations of what you
wanted to accomplish.

Unfortunately, in today’s economy, far too many people
find themselves struggling and well below where they
would like to be.

The GOOD NEWS is that regardless of the position you are
currently in, you CAN fulfill both objectives of finish the year
Strong and starting the New Year fast, however you must
do a few things in the manner presented in the next
few paragraphs.

As someone who is very goal oriented, I’m well aware
that you probably began this year with great hope and

I’m also well aware that many goals and plans fall far from
being realized.


So what specifically can you do in order to capture the
brass ring? Work harder? Longer?

You don’t stand a chance of succeeding with that strategy,
yet that is exactly what the majority of people will do.

Why not do something entirely different, why not focus on
saying NO!

Consisting of two letters and one syllable, the word “No”
can be considered to be one of the most powerful words
in your vocabulary.

It’s the easiest word for setting a limit, holding firm to
boundaries, and being clear about what you will or
will not do. It is a word of pure power that is both inner
and out directed.

You will be a lot more productive once you recognize that:

1.      “No” is not a dirty word, negative word, nor is it a selfish
word. Learning to say “No” is liberating as it frees up
your time to focus on your key priorities.

2.      You are in complete control of how you spend your
time and your life. Saying “No” allows you more time
and energy to pursue your goals and wildest ambitions.

3.      Saying, “No,” increases the value of the things you say,
“Yes” to. Your success in life requires a short “Yes” list,
and a long “No” list. The key is an awareness and prioritization
of your “Yes” list, and firm boundaries around your “No”
list as QUICKLY as possible.

Saying “NO” is the most strategic decision you can make. You
improve yourself, your family, and your organization’s

“No” is empowering because it simplifies. You will succeed on
the basis of what, where and how you say “no”. And “NO”
allows you to get more control over your daily life and

We need to say “NO”, but we’re not very good at it. In business
we give it another name. “prioritization” or “strategic planning.
But then we get back to day-to-day activities and we quickly
forget what we prioritized and planned. We end up letting the
“no’s” creep back in.

For these remaining days of this year and to ensure a fast start
to 2012, you must resolve to give “NO” the strategic resolve it

In tomorrows,  I’ll share FIFTEEN simple, effective
and empowering strategies (personal and professional) that you
can use to get results—IMMEDIATELY!

In the meantime, here’s a great resource which you’ll definitely want
to check out. Get your FRE*E Goal Setting Toolkit by going to:

Warm holiday wishes,

P.S. Don’t forget to pick up your FRE*E Goal Setting Toolkit.

Pay it forward by sharing this message with your friends, family and
Patrick Taranto
Fondateur de Media JD 
Talent Scouting and Matchmaking 
ESCP Europe 1989

jeudi 15 décembre 2011

The Window of Opportunity Sprint

Hi ,
The New Year signals the start of a three-month period that I like
to refer to as the Window-of-Opportunity Sprint.
Research shows that the people who are the most successful in the
FIRST 100-DAYS of the year tend to take very specific steps on a
very clear path.
If you're SERIOUS about accomplishing great things in 2012, you'd
be wise to come out of the starting gate fast, focused and fired
And keep going at FULL SPEED through at least the end of March.
Why? Because, if you don't make major strides toward achieving your
goals from January through the end of March, you're going to be
playing catch-up the remainder of the year which is one giant pain
in the rump.
With that in mind, my friend Gary Ryan Blair, otherwise known as
The GoalsGuy has put together what I believe to be the most
comprehensive approach to goal setting and performance enhancement.
It's called the 100 Day Challenge and it's all about getting things
done, getting massive results quickly, and STARTING the year with a
Among all of the programs and respected authors that I know, this
particular program will ensure that you begin 2012 in the best way
If you have not already participated in this extraordinary program,
I implore you to check it out. It's that good.
I promise you'll be glad — no, make that ecstatic — that you did.
P.S. I almost forgot, the best part is that you can take it for a
7-day test-drive and prove to yourself how powerful it really is!
Patrick Taranto
Fondateur de Media JD 
Talent Scouting and Matchmaking 
ESCP Europe 1989

release negativity

Meditation - Easy Ways to Clear Your Mind Traffic

mercredi 7 décembre 2011

Seven Steps to Personal Mastery

I long ago discovered an important strategy that has allowed me,
and my clients to continually improve performance (personal and
business) every year.

It's called an After Action Review (AAR), and it’s all about
leveraging knowledge and experience.

To experience consistent growth you need to leverage you past
experience for all it’s worth. In this lesson, I'll show you
how to do it.

To make 2012 the best it can be, you need to perform an AAR and
analyze what took place in 2011. You need to identify every nugget
of knowledge your past performance offers and leverage it for all
it’s worth.

You and I both know that no matter how good or bad your results
were in 2011 - you can always do better.

Yet, the single biggest key to improving both your performance and
your results seems to go ignored by almost everybody. If you want
to be at the top of your game you absolutely must review, analyze,
and learn from what has already happened.

Seven Steps That Can Change Your Life

There are seven steps in the AAR process, and you must begin
implementing the ideas that you are about to generate immediately.

Step 1 Identify Your Three Greatest Accomplishments In 2011?

Even if 2011 was a challenging year for you, odds are if you look
close enough there’s something somewhere to be proud of.

Step 2 Analyze What You Learned from Each Accomplishment?

Now that you have identified your three greatest accomplishments,
go back to each one. This time though identify exactly what you
learned or were reminded of by each of them.

Step 3 Identify Your Biggest Disappointments Of 2011?

Practically every company and individual resists analyzing their
mistakes. That’s a shame because this is where the best learning
comes from.

Step 4 Analyze What You Learned from Each Failure or Disappointment?

No matter how great everything in life is going - we all make
mistakes. The trick here is to really analyze them, what preceded
them, what could you have done differently, and how can you prevent
them in the future.

Step 5 Identify How You Limited Yourself and How Can You Stop It?

Were there certain actions you took or didn’t take that came back
to haunt you?

In order to make sure you don’t limit yourself again - you need to
bring these self-defeating actions to the surface, confront them,
and most important determine what you must do differently to make
sure you don’t make the same mistakes all over again.

Step 6 Pragmatically Review the Information You Have Gathered?

The goal of this exercise is not simply to know yourself and your
business better but to actually use the information to make certain
2012 far surpasses 2011.

What are the big takeaways from answering each question? What do
you know about yourself or your business that you didn’t realize or
weren’t thinking about?

Obviously, having this list isn’t going to do it all, you still
need to take this new knowledge and USE IT!

Fortunately, that’s what the last question is centered around. And
here it is…

Step 7: Use This Information to Astonish Yourself in 2012?

The purpose here is to build in to your schedule, your
interactions, your management style or whatever else you’ve
surfaced in the previous questions and build yourself a new
better approach.

Ok, now that we’ve uncovered a lot of useful information, the
final step is to incorporate it into a plan for 2012.

If you'll allow me, I'd like to help you make 2012 the best
year of your life by introducing you to a very special program
put together by a very special guy.

The program is called the 100 Day Challenge and it was created
by one of the brightest strategic thinkers on the planet, Gary
Ryan Blair.

Gary is a leading consultant to Fortune 500 companies, Professional
Sports Teams and high-achievers throughout the world.

"The 100 Day Challenge" is a life changing program that will help
you to light the fuse on a performance EXPLOSION and personally
experience successes you only dream about!

If you want to perform better than you have in the past and
to achieve more than you have so far, you have to make sure
that what you do today - this very day - not tomorrow - will
move you closer to those dreams.

So why not mark today as the day you decided you are going to
reach all of your goals and change your life for the better,
and I mean MUCH BETTER?

I wish for you a New Year of abundance, prosperity and ever
increasing opportunity. Your investment in this 100 Day Challenge
will put you in the best position possible for success in 2012.

All the best!


jeudi 1 décembre 2011

Invitation pour une presentation d'une opportunité de carrière originale


Où en êtes-vous dans votre carrière ? Etes vous intéréssé(e) par la santé ? Aimeriez-vous travailler dans un cadre international avec une équipe dynamique et conviviale ? Aimeriez vous pouvoir disposer de plus de liberté dans votre activité professsionelle ?

Notre client /partenaire USANA ( entreprise américaine cotée au NASDAQ) , est aujourd’hui une référence en matière de distribution de produits nutritionels et de soins pour la santé auprès d’une clientèle de particuliers. Sa force ? Un réseau unique de distributeurs, qui accompagne leurs clients sur le long terme, à travers une véritable approche de santé globale, adossé à une organisation qui les appuie et les soutient au quotidien.


Vous aspirez à évoluer dans la vente et à conserver et/ou à acquérir votre indépendance tout en bénéficiant de la notoriété et du support d’un grand groupe. Au delà de la nécessaire formation initiale , notre client/partenaire veille au développement de votre expertise grâce à sa formation continue qui vous permet d’évoluer . L'offre de produits recouvre une gamme large de complements alimentaires ( vitamines, anti oxydants,...) et de produits cosmetiques. Vous aurez à développer un portefeuille clients /distributeurs à fort potentiel. Vous bénéficierez d’actions marketing ciblées et innovantes. Epaulé au quotidien , vous développez une relation de proximité pour apporter une gamme de produits de qualité dans une logique de long terme.
Statut :Indépendant à temps partiel ou temps complet


Doté d’un esprit entrepreneurial, vous recherchez une autonomie de fonctionnement et une rémunération non plafonnée. Venez-vous inscrire dans la durée sur un marché porteur: le marché de la santé, estimée à plus de 1000 milliards de dollars dans un horizon moyen terme. Des postes sont à pourvoir sur toute la France.

Pour en savoir plus,nous vous invitons à une présentation le jeudi 8 décembre 2011 à 20H00 à Paris. Merci de nous confirmer votre présence par retour de mail à l'adresse Nous vous donnerons l'adresse exacte de la rencontre.