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lundi 31 janvier 2011

"Turn your talents into income" as Eben Pagan says

Take this in depth assessment about your skills and talents and discover your best career !
Your free test results reveal:
1. Your top 3 "Fields of Work" selected from the official US Department of Labor careers database on the basis of your individual responses to the questionnaire.
2. Which one of the 16 career personality types you fit into and what types of work you are best suited to.
3. Your 6 dominant career abilities and 3 dominant career intelligences - again this provides clues to your most suitable career.
4. How you rate on the 6 key skills of the "Knowledge Age".
Patrick Taranto
ESCP Europe 1989

P.S : As a gift for being in our network, reply to this  email with
the object line "2011"  and we will send you a free
copy of our "Quick Start Interview guide "

Last minute info from naturopathic doctor

jeudi 27 janvier 2011

Dr Stengler Q/A

Last week, Dr. Mark Stengler, America's Natural Doctor,™ released 4 exclusive videos that have taken the globe by storm!

Viewed over 700,000 times, his health-transforming videos have already helped thousands.

Now, Dr. Stengler, the creator of these High Energy For Life videos, will host a LIVE question-and-answer sessions as a follow-up to these amazing videos…AND YOU ARE INVITED FOR FREE!


Get the answers to your most important health questions:

* Finally Lose Any Amount of Unwanted Weight -- for Good!
* Boost Brainpower, Focus & Memory -- Freedom from Senior Moments!
* Defeat Digestion Problems -- and the Dozens of "Mystery" Ailments They Cause.
* Optimize Your "Good" Hormones for Peak Energy.
* And More! ------------------------->

You can ask Dr. Stengler your questions and listen for FREE by entering your email here:

Bonus – When you register, you will receive complete access to the original 4 High Energy Videos that started it all.

mardi 25 janvier 2011

Savoir reseauter

En effet les bonnes relations ont toujours été utiles. De nos jours, elles sont devenues indispensables. Que ce soit socialement ou professionnellement, on ne peut plus se passer du relationnel.

Pour vos enfants dans le bon déroulement de leurs études. Pour vous et votre famille, dans toutes les activités que vous voulez entreprendre et pour votre propre carrière professionnelle bien entendu.

Pour optimiser votre carrière, faire votre place au soleil pour vous et votre famille, chercher à développer votre relationnel et surtout l’entretenir est devenu indispensable.

Avoir un bon relationnel est un atout très efficace pour trouver un job ou en changer. On estime même que le pouvoir des relations est renforcé avec l'âge, puisque qu'on lui doit près de 100% des embauches au-delà de 45 ans.

D'ailleurs à ce sujet, le Wall Street Journal révélait déjà il y a deux ans que 94% des gens qui avaient trouvé un emploi avaient déclaré qu'ils devaient leur succès à leur relationnel. Ceci est encore plus vrai aujourd'hui. Et c'est justement le meilleur moyen de ne pas se trouver sans emploi!

Il existe maintenant une multitude de possibilités de développer son relationnel, rapidement et efficacement. Ceci implique d’entreprendre une véritable démarches « Réseau »

La démarche réseau est aussi un véritable levier économique. Pour rompre l'isolement, pour échanger, générer des contacts, créer des partenariats, trouver des clients et développer votre chiffre d'affaire.

Guide de la beaute naturelle

Les cosmétiques 100 % naturels présentés par Joséphine Fairley sont amusants à préparer et divins à utiliser ! Essayez les crèmes en tout genre (le baume démaquillant au géranium, l'hydratant à la rose, le masque à la tomate, le gel nettoyant à l'aloe vera, le tonique à la lavande...), shampooings, parfums, bains moussants ou thés purifiants réalisés à partir de plantes, de fleurs, de fruits ou de légumes.
Biographie de l'auteur
Joséphine Fairley est journaliste et écrit pour de nombreux magazines anglais (entre autres Elle, Women's journal ou The Daily Mail). Elle est également présidente de Cosmetic Executive Women, union des industries cosmétiques anglaises. Elle vit en Angleterre, dans le Sussex.

Notre avis : Un livre vraiment détonnant dans l'univers de la cosmétique et de la beauté. L'auteur au détour des pages n'y présente que des solutions 100% naturelles. Trés appétissant et réjouissant. Trés tendance des années 2010.

Une belle peau pour la vie

Savez-vous prendre soin de votre peau ? Connaissez-vous la crème qui vous convient ? Votre peau sera-t-elle toujours aussi belle à 40 ans ? Avoir une belle peau est à la portée de toutes ! De petits gestes en grands principes, Une belle peau pour la vie vous permet de bénéficier de conseils personnalisés à domicile. Vous saurez faire face aux agressions de la vie quotidienne et vous comprendrez mieux votre peau tout en faisant d'elle un atout de séduction à tous les âges. Hydratation, soins du corps, épilation, alimentation... vous trouverez toutes les astuces pour embellir votre peau, en fonction de votre épiderme, de votre âge, de votre rythme de vie, et de vos envies ! Il ne tient qu'à vous de révéler le capital beauté de votre peau.
Biographie de l'auteur
Sylvie Charier est journaliste spécialisée en beauté, nutrition, bien-être, médecine et chirurgie esthétique. Elle collabore à plusieurs magazines féminins, notamment Marie-Claire.

Notre avis : Un livre bien documenté par un éditeur à découvrir.

10 minutes pour bien dormir

Bien dormir, c'est essentiel. Mais que faire si l'on n'y arrive plus ? Anne Tardy partage ses astuces naturelles pour retrouver un repos de qualité. Une bonne nuit se prépare dès le réveil : du petit déjeuner jusque sous la couette, découvrez tous ses secrets pour lutter en toute sérénité contre l'insomnie et bénéficier à nouveau d'un sommeil réparateur. Des exercices simples et rapides, des conseils utiles, et bientôt l'insomnie ne sera plus qu'un mauvais rêve...

Biographie de l'auteur

Anne Tardy Ancienne insomniaque. Anne Tardy est aussi spécialiste de développement personnel. Elle est notamment l'auteur du Guide spirituel des lieux de retraite, paru chez Albin Michel, et journaliste pour Livres Hebdo.

Notre avis : Un livre trés complet et bien fait sur un sujet important pour votre bien être
Toutes les techniques de médecines douces sont évoquées.

vendredi 21 janvier 2011

Le bien être par l'ayur Veda

L'ayurvéda définit la bonne santé comme un état de bien-être, d'épanouissement et de joie réelle. Le corps se porte bien lorsque nous avons une alimentation équilibrée, un sommeil équilibré, que nous pratiquons des mouvements et exercices appropriés, que notre mental et notre état affectif sont en paix. C'est une nécessité quotidienne. Cet ouvrage propose une découverte de cette science traditionnelle indienne et un véritable « programme de cure bien-être », destiné à la prévention et à la remise en forme.

Biographie de l'auteur

Kiran Vyas est originaire d'Inde. Fondateur des centres Tapovan -centres de yoga et d'ayurvéda de Paris et Normandie-, il enseigne le yoga depuis plus de 20 ans. il est internationalement connu et reconnu pour son travail de diffusion de la tradition ayurvédique. Il est l'auteur de nombreux ouvrages sur le massage indien et le yoga, dont Le Massage des bébés chez Marabout.

mercredi 19 janvier 2011

High Energy For Life Is Live!

Dr. Mark Stengler and The Bottom Line/Health Team just released
their 'High Energy For Life' coaching and support program.

[To find out more about this incredible package click here]

The 'High Energy For Life' coaching and support program
will give you the safest, most effective ways to live a
healthy and energetic life, with easy and complete coverage
of all the key areas you'll want to address!

This brand new program is presented by Dr. Mark Stengler,
admired and hailed as America's #1 Natural Doctor.

With nearly 20 years experience working with patients (from
families, to professional athletes, to Hollywood stars and
even medical doctors and nurses), and always on the cutting
edge of breakthrough natural discoveries, you are in the best
possible hands when you sign up for this unprecedented,
results-driven program for your health and the health of
your loved ones.

Here is what you'll receive when you signup for this truly
transformational program:

- 5 hour-long videos presented by Dr. Stengler, in the
life-changing areas of weight loss, brain/mind health,
hormone health for men and women, digestion and

- A weekly Question & Answer LIVE webinar following each
video, where you'll be able to get direct answers to your
most burning follow-up questions, right over the phone
from Dr. Stengler himself.

- A FREE full set of downloadable notes from the videos
and transcripts from the live webinars.

As you can see, this is the best health coaching, information
and personalized support that you can possibly receive anywhere

There simply isn't another program available that even comes
close to offering the CURRENT, valuable, rigorously tested,
patient-proven strategies and solutions for providing you and
your loved ones with the health and energy you all so desire.

[You Deserve This In Your Life (See All The Details Here)]

If you can't wait to get started with this, and to immediately
start taking your health and energy to new levels, then join me
on the live phone class with Dr. Mark Stengler (Dr. Mark On Call)
during week 1 of High Energy For Life.

Naturally Yours,


Take The 'Holistic Fitness' Quiz

I think you're going to love this ...

My friends Matt & Kevin have created this free 10-question
quiz. It reveals how well you’re caring for your vibration.

Get your quiz analysis here --

We all know that physical health is vital for a high vibration
that attracts what you truly desire. This quiz shows you
exactly which areas of your 'Holistic Fitness' are on track ...
and how to easily improve in the other areas.

To your success,

P.S. I know Matt  and Kevin put a lot of effort into creating
this and I'm sure you'll enjoy and get a lot out of it. The
4-page analysis you'll get is full of their best recommendations,
tips and advice for taking your energetic vibration to the next
level. Get your 'Holistic Fitness' analysis here:

lundi 17 janvier 2011


Apprécier l'alternance tension/relâchement : telle est la méthode simplissime mais redoutablement efficace sur laquelle Jacobson a fondé sa technique de relaxation progressive. Grâce à cette méthode, soulagez vous-même douleurs et tensions, dites adieu au stress et trouvez en vous-même force, calme et équilibre.

Modeler son corps

Seulement 10 minutes par jour pour des résultats visibles en quelques semaines ! Découvrez les exercices les plus efficaces pour remodeler votre ventre, vos jambes et vos fesses. Sculptez-vous la silhouette dont vous rêvez, grâce à seulement 10 minutes d'exercice par jour. Retrouvez nos conseils adaptés à d'autres types d'exercices (marche rapide, exercices avec une bande en latex, entraînement en salle de musculation), ainsi que de précieuses recommandations en matière d'alimentation et de soins de la peau

dimanche 16 janvier 2011

Pour passer un bel hiver

Notre avis : des conseils simples pour passer un hiver en douceur ; au menu lumière, sport, alimentation, noter ses petits plaisirs, modifier ses pensées, ...

samedi 15 janvier 2011

Dramatically Increase Your Memory With A Natural Supplement

Do you have trouble recalling people's names?
Have you ever felt absent-minded or have trouble focusing?

We all know that when we have mental clarity, life is easier.

We're more productive, relationships improve, and, we're
just plain happier.

One of my passions is bringing you expert health advice
that can dramatically transform your life.

Here's just such a thing.

It is a brand new incredible free video presentation from
America's Natural Doctor (TM), Dr. Mark Stengler.

[The Secrets To Supercharging Your Peak Brain Potential, Naturally!]

Dr. Mark Stengler has written and coauthored 17 books and treated
thousands of patients for almost 20 years.

In his latest, brain-changing free video, Dr. Stengler will show you:

- The key nutrient that forms the brain chemicals responsible for
your memory and your mood.

- "Poisonous" foods to avoid that most people eat everyday. 

- A completely natural supplement, that you can easily buy at any
local health store, that works as well as prescription drugs for
mild to moderate depression, without any of the nasty side effects.

- a natural supplement to take when you suffer with severe memory
loss with dramatic results!

- How to overcome the most common nutrient deficiency and
it's side effects.

When you click on the link below, and enter your email, you'll
get immediate access to this private video that can change your
everyday life in a very significant way.

[The Information In This Video Presentation Could Literally Transform Your Life]


Medications Doctors Prescribe But You Don't Need (Video)

Doctors are writing millions of prescriptions for medications for
Anxiety, Depression and more -- yet for many, the drugs are a waste
of money that puts users at needless risk.


Because the problem is unrelated to the symptoms.

But sadly even their caring and thoughtful doctors don't give the
right test to check for it. So, instead, medications are given,
yet people don't feel better.

What's really going on...Hormone Imbalances or "runaway hormones"
in BOTH Women AND Men.

You can learn more about how "runaway hormones" are frequently
the undetected cause of depression, mood swings, lost sex drive,
weight gain, sagging energy and much more by watching the video
below. It's free and there are totally no strings attached.

[Click Here To Get The Latest Research You And Your Family Need To Know. It's 100% Free.]

This new video, from your 4-part high energy series, comes from
Dr. Mark Stengler, one of the leading natural doctors in the world,
and the only doctor whose own natural healing newsletter we've
chosen to publish here at Bottom Line/Health.

Dr. Stengler reveals what MOST women and nearly ALL men don't
know about their hormone health, and what YOU NEED TO KNOW to
ensure that your own hormones are working for you and not
against you.

As a respected expert in both Eastern and Western treatments,
Dr. Stengler's video (you'll be watching within a few moments)
presents his patient-proven successes -- and just why this topic
is so critical to your everyday life, and what you can easily be
doing to make sure your hormones stay under control.

[Click Here For Information That Is Critical For Every Adult To Know.]

Here is just some of what you'll hear...

* How weight gain, fatigue, dry skin and a host of other problems
can be caused by hormones that you can control with the right

* Why depression and anxiety can often be treated quickly and easily.

* You'll also hear how the "stress hormones" prevent you from getting
a good night's sleep (if you ever have problems sleeping, this information
is priceless).

* How these easily found natural products can be used to stimulate energy
in virtually every cell of your body.

* How to control "runaway hormones" to increase your energy and vitality.

The solutions Dr. Stengler discloses in this video are all based on rigorous
testing, scientific research and hard evidence... helping you conquer weight
and sexual problems, mood swings, low energy, and stress levels.

This information is vital for you to hear, so click on the link below and gain
immediate access... you can leave comments under the video which Dr. Stengler
will read and closely consider.

[Click Here For This Life Changing Information.]
To Your Healthy Hormones :

[Insert Name Here]

Improve Your Memory Now (video)

Do you have trouble recalling people's names?
Have you ever felt absent-minded or have trouble focusing?

We all know that when we have mental clarity, life is easier.

We're more productive, relationships improve, and, we're
just plain happier.

One of my passions is bringing you expert health advice
that can dramatically transform your life.

Here's just such a thing.

It is a brand new incredible free video presentation from
America's Natural Doctor (TM), Dr. Mark Stengler.

[The Secrets To Supercharging Your Peak Brain Potential, Naturally!]

Dr. Mark Stengler has written and coauthored 17 books and treated
thousands of patients for almost 20 years.

In his latest, brain-changing free video, Dr. Stengler will show you:

- The key nutrient that forms the brain chemicals responsible for
your memory and your mood.

- "Poisonous" foods to avoid that most people eat everyday.

- A completely natural supplement, that you can easily buy at any
local health store, that works as well as prescription drugs for
mild to moderate depression, without any of the nasty side effects.

- a natural supplement to take when you suffer with severe memory
loss with dramatic results!

- How to overcome the most common nutrient deficiency and
it's side effects.

When you click on the link below, and enter your email, you'll
get immediate access to this private video that can change your
everyday life in a very significant way.

[The Information In This Video Presentation Could Literally Transform Your Life]



jeudi 13 janvier 2011

Getting Thin without dieting

I hope your holidays were filled with friends,
family and, I'm sure, a ton of great food...

The only problem is that great food usually has
a cruel way of adding unwanted extra pounds.

If you are frustrated with dieting and ever
feel like giving up hope, today's everything can

I watched this video in which Dr. Mark Stengler
shares his own safe, rapid, patient-proven methods
for losing weight quickly AND keeping it off.

[America's Natural Doctor (TM) Shares His Latest Weight Reduction tips]

In this exclusive, brand new video, you'll learn :

- How to easily and safely lose 9 pounds a month
without even thinking about dieting or exercise

- How to drop those extra pounds, completely naturally,
while feeling good and enjoying more energy!

- How an affordable and commonly available natural
"appetite killer" is shockingly powerful and actually
good for you!

- How common mineral acts almost like a "magic pill"
that makes you thin and helps to reduce your sweet

-And Much More!

[Learn How To Lose Those Unwanted Extra Pounds Naturally!]

If you don't know Dr. Mark Stengler, he's the coauthor of
17 books, including the best-selling Prescription for Natural
Cures, Prescription for Drug Alternatives, and The Natural
Physician's Healing Therapies.

He's also a master of both Western and Eastern medical treatments
and sees over a thousand patients each year in his La Jolla,
California practice (from children to celebrities, seniors to
sports athletes.)

Dr. Mark is the real deal when it comes to natural remedies
that demonstrate proven results.

There's nothing to buy and there is no cost, just an awesome
video presentation that shares incredible information that
I really think you'll enjoy.

Naturally Yours :)


mardi 11 janvier 2011

Bien dans son ventre, bien dans sa tête

Notre avis : un livre pour un ventre en pleine forme. Joliment illustré avec des explications simples et claires. Exercices de respiration, masssage shiatsu, yoga du ventre, phytothérapie, tai chi chuan , reflexologie, cure détox,...

A New Year, A New You (must see video)

I hope your holidays were filled with friends,
family and, I'm sure, a ton of great food...

The only problem is that great food usually has
a cruel way of adding unwanted extra pounds.

If you are frustrated with dieting and ever
feel like giving up hope, today's everything can

I watched this video in which Dr. Mark Stengler
shares his own safe, rapid, patient-proven methods
for losing weight quickly AND keeping it off.

[America's Natural Doctor (TM) Shares His Latest Weight Reduction tips]

In this exclusive, brand new video, you'll learn :

- How to easily and safely lose 9 pounds a month
without even thinking about dieting or exercise

- How to drop those extra pounds, completely naturally,
while feeling good and enjoying more energy!

- How an affordable and commonly available natural
"appetite killer" is shockingly powerful and actually
good for you!

- How common mineral acts almost like a "magic pill"
that makes you thin and helps to reduce your sweet

-And Much More!

[Learn How To Lose Those Unwanted Extra Pounds Naturally!]

If you don't know Dr. Mark Stengler, he's the coauthor of
17 books, including the best-selling Prescription for Natural
Cures, Prescription for Drug Alternatives, and The Natural
Physician's Healing Therapies.

He's also a master of both Western and Eastern medical treatments
and sees over a thousand patients each year in his La Jolla,
California practice (from children to celebrities, seniors to
sports athletes.)

Dr. Mark is the real deal when it comes to natural remedies
that demonstrate proven results.

There's nothing to buy and there is no cost, just an awesome
video presentation that shares incredible information that
I really think you'll enjoy.

Naturally Yours :)


101 revolutionary ways to be healthy

I Love this website. It gave me the impulse to do a little walk , to eat fresh vegetables and to refocus on health !

lundi 3 janvier 2011

Raymond Dextreit

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