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vendredi 6 octobre 2023

Peter Diamandis sleep routine

 Peter Diamandis, an expert in longevity, prioritizes getting eight hours of high-quality restful sleep. He believes that sleep is the single most effective thing we can do to reset our mental and physical health each day.

Here are some of his sleep practices:

  • Wind-down period: He spends thirty minutes winding down before bed, turning down the lights, putting on blue-light-blocking glasses, and slowing down his routine. He avoids TV and computers during this time.
  • Standard bedtime: He goes to bed and wakes up at the same time each day, even on weekends.
  • Eye mask: He uses an eye mask to block out all light.
  • Staying cool at night: He keeps his room temperature at a chilly 65 degrees F (18.3 degrees C). He also uses a cooling mattress pad.
  • Blue-light-blocking glasses: He wears blue-light-blocking glasses for thirty minutes before bed to ensure his body produces optimal melatonin levels.
  • Mandibular adjustment device: He uses a mouth guard to keep his airways open and prevent snoring and apnea.
  • Evening entertainment: He avoids watching TV in bed before sleep and stays off his phone and computer for the last thirty minutes before going to sleep. He typically listens to a book on Audible before bed.
  • Sleep supplement: If he is having trouble falling asleep, he uses a sleep supplement called Peak Rest by Lifeforce.
  • Oura Ring: He uses an Oura Ring to track his sleep quality. His goal is to get a sleep score of 90 or higher each night.
  • No late-night eating: He avoids eating within ninety minutes of going to sleep.
  • No caffeine after noon: He avoids caffeine after noon because it can interfere with sleep.

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