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vendredi 6 octobre 2023

Longevity Mindset

 What Is A Longevity Mindset?

A Longevity Mindset is the belief that science can extend your healthspan. It's about being optimistic about aging and taking control of your own health. It views life as not just short but extendable, thanks to exponential advances in medical technology.

What Influences Longevity?

Your longevity is not purely genetic; heritability accounts for only 7-30% of your lifespan. The remaining 70-93% is under your control through lifestyle choices and mindset.

Seven Key Mindset and Lifestyle Areas

Beliefs About Healthspan: Understand your ingrained beliefs. Are you focused on making it to just 75 or 80 years old? Or are you aiming to hit 100 with full energy?

Media Consumption: What you read or watch directly shapes your mindset about aging. Choose resources that empower your quest for longevity.

Community: Surround yourself with like-minded people who are optimistic and proactive about extending their healthspans.

Sleep: It's a critical factor. Aim for eight healthy hours per night.

Diet: You are what you eat. Minimize sugars and high glycemic foods, opting for a diet high in whole plants and sufficient protein.

Exercise: Increasing muscle mass is critical to longevity. Aim for 10,000 steps a day and weight training at least three times a week.

Annual Diagnostic Tests: Regular check-ups can catch any illness as early as possible, making them easier to reverse.

The Power of Mindset

The "will to live" is a potent force. Having a bigger purpose in life is crucial. Make your future goals ambitious to inspire yourself to live longer.

Optimism Pays Off

A study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science found that optimistic people live as much as 15% longer than pessimists.

The bottom line is that a lot is under your control. Being proactive about your health and having a Longevity Mindset can make a substantial difference in how long and how well you live.

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